1 Inch Wide Solid Pin Clip Suspenders
$20.95 - $21.95 -
1.25 Inch Wide Solid Pin Clip Suspenders
$23.95 - $24.95 -
1.5 Inch Wide Solid Pin Clip Suspenders
$23.95 - $28.95 -
1.5 Inch Wide PIN CLIP Suspenders: Stripes & Polka Dots
$21.95 - $26.95 -
Undergarment Suspenders - BEIGE - Pin Clip
$24.95 - $29.95 -
1.5 Inch Wide Novelty Pin Clip Suspenders
$23.95 - $28.95 -
2 Inch Wide Novelty Pin Clip Suspenders
$25.95 - $30.95 -
Heavy Duty Non-Stretch Work Suspenders - PIN CLIPS
$24.95 - $29.95 -
Logger Suspenders - 2 Inch Wide - PIN CLIP
$32.95 - $37.95 -
Side Pin Clip Suspenders - 1.5 Inch Wide
$23.95 - $28.95 -
Big & Tall Suspenders - 2 Inch Wide Solid Pin Clip
$25.95 - $29.95 -
Big & Tall Heavy Duty Non-Stretch Work Suspenders - PIN CLIPS
$25.95 - $29.95 -
Big & Tall Suspenders - Novelty Pin Clips 2-Inch Wide
$26.95 - $30.95 -
Big & Tall Suspenders - 1.5 Inch Wide Solid Pin Clip
$24.95 - $28.95 -
Big & Tall Suspenders - Novelty Pin Clip 1.5-Inch Wide
$24.95 - $28.95 -
Big & Tall - Logger Suspenders - PIN CLIP
$33.95 - $37.95 -
Big & Tall Side Pin Clip Suspenders - 1.5 Inch Wide
$24.95 - $28.95
Added by customer request! These elastic suspenders feature a "twin-pin" clip with teeth to pierce the fabric of your waistband to ensure a super strong/"not ever going to let go no matter what" hold. While our regular construction clip suspenders feature high quality heavy duty construction clips with great holding power, these pin clip suspenders take the holding factor up another notch for those who want to be absolutely certain their clips will never ever let go.
Choose from smaller and dressier pin clips on our thinner suspenders or large and sturdy pin clips on our wider suspenders.
Available in solid colors, novelty patterns, four sizes, and four widths we are continuing to expand our collection of this popular style suspender.